sábado, 26 de junio de 2010

In House Session 5 Listo

In House Session 5 -- Digital Playground

1. Splittr - All Alone
2. Jay Men - Ohh La Lishious (Barrat & Falconi Remix)
3. Dizzee Rascal - Flex (Dave Spoon Remix)
4. Alex Romano - Get Down (Rock It Up) (Bass Klep Mix)
5. Stanton Warriors - Shake It Up (Hook & Sling Mix)
6. La Vania - Agua y Amor (Extended Mix)
7. Sandy Rivera & Haze - Freak (Bart B More Secured Dub)
8. Ron Carroll - Walking Down The Street (Flamingo Remix)
9. Sgt Slick & Pitch Darek Abigail Bailey - Automatic Machine (Electricity) (Vandalism Vocal Mix)
10. Arno Cost & Norman Doray - Apocalypse (Sébastien Léger Remix)
11. John Dahlback - Hustle Up
12. Brad Hed - The Girlz & Boyz (Vandalism Club Mix)
13. Marta Sanchez y Carlos Baute - Colgado en tus manos (Khriz Lethal Remix)

Download it here.

The Original themes are owned and/or copyrighted by their respective owners. NO copyright infringement intended.

martes, 22 de junio de 2010

Emotional Spectrum

From Wikipedia:

Emotion is associated with mood, temperament, personality and disposition, and motivation. The English word 'emotion' is derived from the French word émouvoir. This is based on the Latin emovere, where e- (variant of ex-) means 'out' and movere means 'move'. The related term "motivation" is also derived from movere.

shows your true manifestations: behavior, expression, action. Seem the inevitable. Expect the unexpected. I must vs. I can. And the lists goes on and on...

There are many emotions, but I will take notes on seven of them. As influential as progressive they are, my case in no exception to the rule.

This emotions circles within life itself. Mine looks like an auth
entic story.

Rage. A mental state that is one extreme of the intensity spectrum of anger. Sub-divisions: Anxiety, Ecstasy, Euphoria, Hatred, Hysteria, Resentment, Suffering. I used to be bullied constantly at high school. My temper rises while being molested extremely, to the point I even lose control from within. A feral instinct invades me at the expense of risking everything at sight. Moody, bad-tempered and growing pains.

Not a emotion entirely, but one of the seven deadly sins. Sub-divisions: Greed (a full synonym), Pride, Vanity, Desire, Envy. When I was a child, I wanted everything wherever I saw and contemplated. I was so obsessive, and even I had my toys or belongings I usually neglect a borrowing request. Although I slowed down as ages progressed, sometimes, I need to protect whatever I can appreciate most.

r. An emotional response to a perceived threat. Sub-Divisions: Anticipation, Anxiety, Confusion, Doubt, Loneliness, Panic, Suffering, Surprise, Worry. I used to be terrified with insects, namely cockroaches and spiders. Most recently, one day I was barefoot in my bedroom and a centipede passed around my feet. I was shocked, and surprised at the same time, and after killing it, I discovered centipedes had a very painful bite. Luckily enough it didn't bite me after all.

Will. More than an emotion, it's self-determination as the name goes. Sub-divisions: Courage, Desire, Enthusiasm, Euphoria, Interest, Optimism, Passion. Maybe I'm a natural underdog. I'm 27 years old, and I was never favored with the best belongings, or a elevated social status, even the hottest chick at school. Now, being a professional and living life as the first day sounds good to me. More things to come, sooner or later.

Hope. a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life. Sub-divisions: Anticipation, Contempt, Curiosity (literally), Expectation, Interest, Optimism/Pessimism, Wonder. Yes, I won as I lost, and I expect more to add to the record. With future things to come (including the most recent activities), making changes for the better.

on. An act of forgiveness, or self-pity. Sub-divisions: Affection, Empathy, Gratification, Gratitude, Patience, Pity, Regret, Shame, Sympathy. A Tutti-frutti emotion from within, Sometimes I can spare someone from my rage, or landing a hand to anyone crippled by fear, and strengthen the hope. Even at a young age, this is experiencing.

a number of emotions related to a sense of strong affection and attachment. Sub-divisions: Affection, Desire, Ecstasy, Happiness, Limerence, Lust, Passion, Wonder. Since I was born, love from within was born. Friends and family, even love interests. I thank everyone because they appreciate my own way, as I appreciate their own way. No borders allowed. Universal unity.

There are multiple emotions from any human being. This ones, however, are just a sample in a life cycle. In my case, the adventure continues.

From The Scrapbook

Buenos días. Es la costumbre.

Por dónde empiezo? Ah sí, la ausencia de mis escrituras y posts. Todo evoluciona, la rutina actual de trabajo y compromisos me ha saturado, que casi ni siquiera he podido dedicar mis páginas a mi fuente de expresión: este blog. Hasta la fecha aniversaria (5 de junio de 2009) se me pasó, por los mismos conflictos. Estoy haciendo mi propia estructura para poder publicar y "escupir" con escritos lo que manifiesto, para deleite de los que leen y siguen mis ocurrencias. :)

Khriz, ¿dejaste de mezclar? Una pregunta anónima. Respuesta: NO, he estado analizando algunos resultados y explorando nuevos ritmos y fusiones; la saga de todos modos sigue en pie.

347 downloads. 1 año en los oficios mezcleros y todavía sigo en pie. Aún sigo en la búsqueda del contrato. Eso sí, ¡Todo esto fue hecho sin necesitar los platos físicamente! Doy gracias a Dios que me he podido inspirar día tras día y seguir adelante con mi propósito, como profesional informático y como DJ. Malas costumbres regresan solas. Gracias a tod@s los que han creído (y todavía creen) en mí, para hacer estos sueños realidades cada día más.

Nuevos proyectos. No solamente es la música, también mi profesión necesita el impulso. Estoy actualmente trabajando en desarrollar la carrera a nivel personal, pero también poner de manifiesto el nivel profesional que la caracteriza. Bien me lo dice mi madre: Mijo, ¡puedes trabajar en lo que sea!

¿Qué viene después? No lo sé. No se puede pronosticar lo que pasará mañana.
