Yep, I've been absent for a while. Dealing with health conditions recently, but keping up the spirits whatsoever!
However, this doesn't stop my journey to break into the business. Despite watching the San Francisco Giants winning their first World Series since moving to the Bay Area from New York and having Hurricane Tomas rolling around the bases, I've been recently evaluating new prospects for new mixes and upcoming projects towards 2011 and beyond.
In House Session 5 -- Digital Playground has been my most successful megamix to date, over 125 downloads. The Marta Sanchez mashup has left its mark. Overall, over 590+ downloads. The people has spoken.
Among the current upcoming projects, such as a new Power Mix (35), a new In House Session (6) and a compilation of the Very First Megasession, during my perfomance in Atrio Bar last year; these projects will be tested under my new software mixing engine, with 4 decks.
I want to thank some people for this support, but first goes first as our Lord and Savior guides me through this with my blessings day by day. And these prominent people: Rafael Paulino (DJ Choly), thank you bro for making this blog and the mixes a reality; Jafet Gitte Méndez, for your wise words and helping me go around the business, and last, but not least... My beautiful, precious queen, Tania. Thank you, sweetie for your strong sense and support, thank you for your uncondtional love. Your morenito loves you! :D
Maybe there is more people I left, but overall, thank you all, for your support.